I'm busy hating my old laptop, it jumps off the internet all the time - especially on blogspot, youtube etc.... That's why it annoys me ò.ó .. Gah.
For the past 8 months my life has been chaotic and stressing. It's so hard juggling with both job, school, house-cleaning/organizing, fitnes, boyfriend, alone-time, family, social life and, well, FUN. Sooo! Wait for it... I'm quiting HF. I haven't been sure about it for a long long time, but now I've finally realized that it's not worth it. Forgetting yourself, being bored all day long, not enjoying anything because something school-related is in your mind 24/7! And besides, I wouldn't finish this summer anyway, because I still need a math- and germanexam to get a full HF.
So I'll leave it behind for now, return in 2-3 years, when my life is more different. My school is not serious enough, too far away (when my work is in Naestved, opposite direction) and it's half-hearted everything I do there. I have to move on.
jeg håber at du finder noget du kan li at lave som fanger din interesse :)
SvarSletSynes det er en god beslutning, specielt hvis du har det sådan :D og det var da irriterende med dit internet der! Håber det hele ordner sig ^-^ håber også at vi ses igen snart, måske til en fest på frederiksberg XD